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VOLUMES ONE & TWOに登録されている28曲を連続再生(曲順) - Youtube 1.
Hope for Happiness, 2.
Joy of a Toy, 2.
Hope for Happiness (reprise), 3.
Why Am I So Short?, 4.
So Boot If at All, 5.
A Certain Kind, 6.
Save Yourself, 7.
Priscilla, 8.
Lullabye Letter, 9.
We Did It Again, 10.
Plus Belle qu'une Poubelle, 11.
Why Are We Sleeping?, 12.
Box 25/4 Lid, 13.
Pataphysical Introduction, Part I, 14.
A Concise British Alphabet, Part I, 15.
Hibou, Anemone and Bear, 16.
A Concise British Alphabet, Part II, 17.
Hulloder, 18.
Dada Was Here, 19.
Thank You Pierrot Lunaire, 19.
Have You Ever Bean Green?, 20.
Pataphysical Introduction, Part II, ....