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PAUL GILBERT (Official Site)
PAUL GILBERTに登録されている56曲を連続再生(人気順) - Youtube 1.
Down To Mexico, 2.
I Like Rock, 3.
Individually Twisted, 4.
Girl Crazy, 5.
Gilberto Concerto, 6.
Boku No Atama, 7.
Bliss, 8.
My Religion, 9.
I'm Not Afraid of the Police, 10.
Vinyl, 11.
Suicide Lover, 12.
Girl Who Can Read Your Mind, 13.
Masa Ito, 14.
Six Billion People, 15.
I Feel the Earth Move, 16.
Space Ship One, 17.
Karn Evil 9, 18.
The Second Loudest Guitar in the World, 19.
G.V.R.O., 20.
2 Become 1, ....