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Deutschland Tournee 1976 (2006年)
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登録されている2曲を連続再生(曲順) - Youtube
1. Intro (Over the Rainbow), 1. Kill the King, 1. Mistreated, 2. Sixteenth Century Greensleeves, 2. Catch the Rainbow, 2. Man on the Silver Mountain, 2. Stargazer, 2. Still I'm Sad, 2. Do You Close Your Eyes, 2. Intro (Over the Rainbow), 2. Kill the King, 2. Mistreated, 2. Sixteenth Century Greensleeves, 2. Catch the Rainbow, 2. Man on the Silver Mountain, 2. Stargazer, 2. Still I'm Sad, 2. Intro (Over the Rainbow), 2. Kill the King, 2. Mistreated, 2. Sixteenth Century Greensleeves, 2. Catch the Rainbow, 2. Man on the Silver Mountain, 2. Stargazer, 2. Still I'm Sad, 2. Do You Close Your Eyes