Chance Encounters in the Garden of Lights (1987年)
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登録されている5曲を連続再生(曲順) - Youtube
1. West Deep, 1. The Spirit Cannot Fail, 1. Pilots of Kite, 1. Seventh Circle, 1. Phantom Gardens, 1. The Angel of Hearth and Home, 2. Villefranche Interior, 3. Night Tides, 3. First Memory, 3. Azure Extension, 3. Radiant Spires, 3. The Evening Peal, 3. Threnodia, 3. A Short Drink From a Certain Fountain, 4. Body of Light, 4. At the Center, 4. Self-Initiation, 4. The Word That Became Flesh, 4. The Hermetic Garden, 4. Revolving Globes, 4. The Four Square Citadel, 4. Orient of Memphis, 4. The Angel at the Western Window, 5. My Dark Daemon, 5. The Dove Consumed (The Serpent Slumbers), 5. Calling Heaven, Calling Heaven, Over, 5. Path of Return, 5. Theurgia, 5. Staircase to No Place, 5. Evocation of a Radiant Childhood, 5. The Kingdom of Consequence, 5. The Divine Raptures of Sisterhood, 5. Bright Star (Moonlight Over Ocean Blue), 5. A Bird of the Air Shall Carry Thy Voice, 5. Clothed in Light Amongst the Stars, 5. Gnosis, 5. Hastening the Chariot of My Heart's Desire, 5. Transcendant, 5. Consolamentum