
00年代 | 10年代 | 90年代 | S | シンフォニック/シアトリカル | テクニカル | ドラマティック | ネオクラシカルメタル | パワーメタル | プログレメタル | ポップ/キャッチー | メロスピ/クサメタル | メロディック | 叙情/哀愁 | 北欧 | 有名バンド | 様式美
Best of (2016年)
1-1. Until The End Of Days (0)
1-2. My Eternal Dream (0)
1-3. Eagleheart (0)
1-4. Speed Of Light (0)
1-5. S.O.S. (0)
1-6. Forever Free (0)
1-7. Wings Of Tomorrow (0)
1-8. No Turning Back (0)
1-9. Break The Ice (0)
1-10. Distant Skies (0)
1-11. Will the Sun Rise? (0)
1-12. A Million Light Years Away (0)
1-13. Under Flaming Skies (0)
1-14. Darkest Hours (0)
1-15. Winter Skies (0)
1-16. I Walk to My Own Song (0)
1-17. Maniac Dance (0)
2-1. Halcyon Days (0)
2-2. Will My Soul Ever Rest in Peace? (0)
2-3. Destiny (0)
2-4. Paradise (0)
2-5. Deep Unknown (0)
2-6. Elysium (0)
2-7. Black Diamond (0)
2-8. If the Story Is Over (0)
2-9. Unbreakable (0)
2-10. Forever (0)
2-11. Shine In The Dark (0)
2-12. Hunting High And Low (0)
3-1. Intro (0)
3-2. Black Diamond (0)
3-3. Eagleheart (0)
3-4. Against The Wind (0)
3-5. Dragons (0)
3-6. Legions Of The Twilight (0)
3-7. Paradise (0)
3-8. Shine In The Dark (0)
3-9. Speed Of Light (0)
3-10. Unbreakable (0)
3-11. Hunting High And Low (0)


"Best of" を YouTubeで検索 | Amazonで検索 | googleで検索 | Youtube Musicで検索

登録されている4曲を連続再生(曲順) - Youtube
1. Until The End Of Days, 1. My Eternal Dream, 1. Eagleheart, 1. Speed Of Light, 1. S.O.S., 1. Forever Free, 1. Wings Of Tomorrow, 1. No Turning Back, 1. Break The Ice, 1. Distant Skies, 1. Will the Sun Rise?, 2. A Million Light Years Away, 2. Under Flaming Skies, 2. Darkest Hours, 2. Winter Skies, 2. I Walk to My Own Song, 3. Maniac Dance, 3. Halcyon Days, 3. Will My Soul Ever Rest in Peace?, 3. Destiny, 3. Paradise, 3. Deep Unknown, 3. Elysium, 3. Black Diamond, 3. If the Story Is Over, 3. Unbreakable, 3. Forever, 3. Shine In The Dark, 3. Hunting High And Low, 4. Intro, 4. Black Diamond, 4. Eagleheart, 4. Against The Wind, 4. Dragons, 4. Legions Of The Twilight, 4. Paradise, 4. Shine In The Dark, 4. Speed Of Light, 4. Unbreakable, 4. Hunting High And Low




