Peter and the Wolf / Classical Symphony / Overture on Hebrew Themes / March (1991年)
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登録されている11曲を連続再生(曲順) - Youtube
1. March in B-flat major, op. 99 (arranged for chamber orchestra): Allegro, 2. Peter and the Wolf, op. 67: “Let me tell you a story.”, 3. Peter and the Wolf, op. 67: “Early one morning Peter opened the gate …” Andantino, 4. Peter and the Wolf, op. 67: “Just then a duck came waddling around.” L’istesso tempo, 5. Peter and the Wolf, op. 67: “Grandfather came out.” Poco più andante - Andantino, come prima - Andante, 6. Peter and the Wolf, op. 67: “Meanwhile, Peter made a lasso with his rope, carefully letting it down.” Poco meno mosso - Moderato (meno mosso), 7. Peter and the Wolf, op. 67: “Just then … out of the woods came the hunters.” Allegro moderato - Andante - Moderato - Poco più mosso (Allegro moderato) - Sostenuto - L’istesso tempo - Poco più mosso - Andante - Allegro, 8. Overture on Hebrew Themes, op. 34b: Un poco allegro, 8. Classical Symphony in D major, op. 25: I. Allegro, 9. Classical Symphony in D major, op. 25: II. Larghetto, 10. Classical Symphony in D major, op. 25: III. Gavotta. Non troppo allegro, ....