
80年代 | H | スラッシュメタル | テクニカル | ドラマティック | ネオクラシカルメタル | パワーメタル | メロディック | 正統派 | 様式美
XXX (30 Years of Hel) (2012年)
1-1. Angels Fall to Hell (0)
1-2. Toward the Unknown (0)
1-3. Suicidal Nightmare (0)
1-4. The King Is Dead (0)
1-5. Burning Star (0)
1-6. To Sleep Per Chance to Scream (0)
1-7. The Plague Called Man (0)
1-8. Evil Reign (0)
1-9. Monarch of Bloodshed (0)
1-10. Winds of War (0)
1-11. Good Day to Die (0)
1-12. Wicked Disposition (0)
1-13. Pandemonium (0)
1-14. Bitter End (0)
1-15. Harker’s Tale (0)
1-16. Angel of Death (0)
1-17. Baptized in Blood (0)
1-18. Alma Negra (0)
1-19. The King of Hell (0)
1-20. Run With the Pack (0)
2-1. Angels Fall to Hell (0)
2-2. Toward the Unknown (0)
2-3. Suicidal Nightmare (0)
2-4. The King Is Dead (0)
2-5. Burning Star (0)
2-6. To Sleep Per Chance to Scream (0)
2-7. The Plague Called Man (0)
2-8. Evil Reign (0)
2-9. Monarch of Bloodshed (0)
3-1. Winds of War (0)
3-2. Good Day to Die (0)
3-3. Wicked Disposition (0)
3-4. Pandemonium (0)
3-5. Bitter End (0)
3-6. Harker’s Tale (0)
3-7. Angel of Death (0)
3-8. Baptized in Blood (0)
3-9. Alma Negra (0)
3-10. The King of Hell (0)
3-11. Run With the Pack (0)


"XXX (30 Years of Hel)" を YouTubeで検索 | Amazonで検索 | googleで検索 | Youtube Musicで検索

登録されている3曲を連続再生(曲順) - Youtube
1. Angels Fall to Hell, 1. Toward the Unknown, 2. Suicidal Nightmare, 2. The King Is Dead, 2. Burning Star, 2. To Sleep Per Chance to Scream, 2. The Plague Called Man, 2. Evil Reign, 2. Monarch of Bloodshed, 2. Winds of War, 3. Good Day to Die, 3. Wicked Disposition, 3. Pandemonium, 3. Bitter End, 3. Harker’s Tale, 3. Angel of Death, 3. Baptized in Blood, 3. Alma Negra, 3. The King of Hell, 3. Run With the Pack, 3. Angels Fall to Hell, 3. Toward the Unknown, 3. Suicidal Nightmare, 3. The King Is Dead, 3. Burning Star, 3. To Sleep Per Chance to Scream, 3. The Plague Called Man, 3. Evil Reign, 3. Monarch of Bloodshed, 3. Winds of War, 3. Good Day to Die, 3. Wicked Disposition, 3. Pandemonium, 3. Bitter End, 3. Harker’s Tale, 3. Angel of Death, 3. Baptized in Blood, 3. Alma Negra, 3. The King of Hell, 3. Run With the Pack




