80年代 | A | NWOBHM | スラッシュメタル | パワーメタル | ブリテンATOMKRAFT
Total Metal: The Neat Anthology (2004年)
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登録されている11曲を連続再生(曲順) - Youtube
1. Total Metal, 1. Pour the Metal In, 1. Foliage, 1. Teutonic Pain, 1. Funeral Pyre, 1. Rich Bitch, 1. Starchild, 1. Warzone, 1. Vision of Belshazzar, 1. Burn in Hell, 1. Requiem, 1. Protector, 2. Dead Man's Hand, 2. This Planet's Burning / Death Valley, 2. Future Warriors, 3. Queen of Death, 3. The Cage, 3. Demolition, 3. Heat and Pain, 4. Mode 3, 5. Your Mentor, 6. Trial by Deception, 7. Demolition Boyz, 7. Visions of Belshazzar (live), 7. Foliage (live), 8. Annihilate the Bride, 9. Dance of the Immortals, 10. Total Metal (demo), ....