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In Live Concert at the Royal Albert Hall (2010年)
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登録されている3曲を連続再生(曲順) - Youtube
1. The Leper Affinity, 1. Bleak, 1. Harvest, 1. The Drapery Falls, 1. Dirge for November, 1. The Funeral Portrait, 1. Patterns in the Ivy, 1. Blackwater Park, 1. Forest of October, 1. Advent, 2. April Ethereal, 2. The Moor, 2. Wreath, 2. Hope Leaves, 2. Harlequin Forest, 2. The Lotus Eater, 2. The Leper Affinity, 2. Bleak, 2. Harvest, 2. The Drapery Falls, 2. Dirge for November, 2. The Funeral Portrait, 2. Patterns in the Ivy, 2. Blackwater Park, 2. Forest of October, 2. Advent, 3. April Ethereal, 3. The Moor, 3. Wreath, 3. Hope Leaves, 3. Harlequin Forest