
00年代 | 10年代 | 90年代 | L | イタリア | オルタナティブメタル/ニューメタル | ゴシックメタル | 叙情/哀愁

LACUNA COIL - 曲ランキング
1. To Myself I Turned / In a Reverie (17)
2. Falling Again / In a Reverie (11)
3. Within Me / Karmacode (10)
4. Swamped / Comalies (8)
5. Closer / Karmacode (6)
5. Cold Heritage / Unleashed Memories (6)
5. Falling / Lacuna Coil (6)
8. My Wings / In a Reverie (5)
9. Unspoken / Comalies (4)
10. Our Truth / Karmacode (3)
10. Self Deception / Comalies (3)
10. Senzafine / Unleashed Memories (3)
10. Survive / Shallow Life (3)
10. The Ghost Woman and the Hunter / Comalies (3)
10. Tight Rope / Comalies (3)
10. When a Dead Man Walks / Unleashed Memories (3)
10. Without a Reason / Karmacode (3)
18. Heaven's a Lie / Comalies (2)
18. Leaving Alone / Shallow Life (2)
18. To Live Is to Hide / Unleashed Memories (2)
18. YOU CREATE ~ WHAT I SEE / Karmacode (2)
