
90年代 | J | ドイツ | ポップ/キャッチー | メロディック | 叙情/哀愁

JADED HEART - 曲ランキング
1. Paid My Dues / Helluva Time (7)
2. Mystery Eyes / Mystery Eyes (6)
3. Hey God Don't Hesitate / IV (5)
4. Easy Lover / IV (4)
5. Anymore / Trust (3)
5. But I Like It / IV (3)
5. Champion / Diary 1990-2000 (3)
5. Hard To Stay Alive / Inside Out (3)
5. Heaven Is Falling / Mystery Eyes (3)
5. Only Human / The Journey Will Never End (3)
5. Somewhere / Helluva Time (3)
5. When You Hear the Thunder / IV (3)
13. Ain't a Perfect World / IV (2)
13. Burning Heart / Trust (2)
13. Help / Diary 1990-2000 (2)
13. Live and Let Die / IV (2)
13. Love to Live / Helluva Time (2)
13. Shores of Paradise / Helluva Time (2)
13. Stonecold / IV (2)
13. With Your Eyes / IV (2)
