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2020に登録されている20曲を連続再生(曲順) - Youtube 1.
Hellvetia, 2.
Moondance, 3.
Soul Mate, 4.
Lay Down the Law, 5.
He Came to Change the World, 6.
Dance With the Devil, 7.
Mozart Symphony, 8.
My Life, 9.
Am I Free, 10.
Forever and Eternally, 11.
Paradise, 12.
Mayday!, 13.
Alive for Evermore, 14.
Hold Your Flag, 15.
Eye to Eye, 16.
Suspended, 17.
Déjà-Voodoo, 18.
Anyone Can Be a Hero, 19.
Curtain Call, 20.
Director’s Cut