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FALL HIGHERに登録されている22曲を連続再生(曲順) - Youtube 1.
Bad Reputation, 2.
Big-Bang, 3.
Go, 4.
Running, 5.
Crazy, 5.
Going Crazy, 6.
Little Love, 7.
This Heart Of Mine, 8.
Fooling Myself, 9.
Time To Burn, 10.
Goodbye Dusty Road, 10.
Ten Black Rose, 10.
Just Call My Name, 11.
Shadow Of Love, 12.
You Love Somebody Else, 13.
You've Got Another, 13.
Tomorrow Means Nothing, 14.
Wasted Time, 15.
Another Point Of View, 15.
It's Not Money, 16.
In My Hands, 17.
These Guns Are Loaded, 18.
Power, 19.
Sometimes, 20.
Look But Don't Touch, ....