外部リンク"L-1VE" を
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L-1VEに登録されている19曲を連続再生(曲順) - Youtube 1.
affinity.exe/Initiate, 2.
In Memoriam, 3.
1985, 4.
Red Giant, 5.
Aquamedley, 6.
As Death Embraces, 7.
Atlas Stone, 7.
Cockroach King, 8.
The Architect, 9.
The Endless Knot, 10.
Visions, 10.
affinity.exe/Initiate, 10.
In Memoriam, 10.
1985, 10.
Red Giant, 11.
Aquamedley, 11.
As Death Embraces, 11.
Atlas Stone, 11.
Cockroach King, 11.
The Architect, 12.
The Endless Knot, 12.
Visions, 13.
Falling Back to Earth, 14.
Earthrise, 15.
Pareidolia, 16.
Crystallised, 17.
Initiate (Music Video), 18.
Earthrise (Music Video), 19.
Lapse (Music Video)