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PARAíSOに登録されている19曲を連続再生(曲順) - Youtube 1.
Time and Again, 1.
Paraíso, 2.
A New Reliance, 3.
A Heartbeat Away, 4.
A Long Way Since the Earth Crashed, 4.
A Giant Leap of Faith, 5.
The Stillness Beneath the Snow, 6.
The Blueprint of a Winter (feat. Marcela Bovio), 7.
The Colossus That Bestrode the World, 8.
Swimming Home, 9.
Intro: The Weight of the Stone, 10.
Echoes in Eternity, 11.
My Sanctuary, 12.
The Sea, 13.
Feeding Utopia, 14.
Walking With Ghosts, 15.
Where Angels Fear to Tread, 16.
Embers, Part One: Your Secret Is Safe With Me, 17.
Paradigm, 18.
Touchstones, 19.
The Trick Is to Keep Breathing, 19.
Outro: Themeland