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THE DETHALBUMに登録されている23曲を連続再生(曲順) - Youtube 1.
Murmaider, 2.
Go Into the Water, 3.
Awaken, 4.
Bloodrocuted, 5.
Go Forth and Die, 6.
Fansong, 7.
Better Metal Snake, 8.
The Lost Vikings, 9.
Thunderhorse, 10.
Briefcase Full of Guts, 11.
Birthday Dethday, 12.
Hatredcopter, 13.
Castratikron, 14.
Face Fisted, 15.
Dethharmonic, 16.
Deththeme, 17.
Duncan Hills Coffee Jingle, 18.
Blood Ocean, 19.
Murdertrain A' Comin', 20.
Pickles Intro, ....