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TURISAS ( Finland metal ) チュリサス Japan TV - YouTube →適切な動画に修正/新規追加/削除TURISASに登録されている17曲を連続再生(人気順) - Youtube 1.
Battle Metal, 2.
As Torches Rise, 3.
Midnight Sunrise, 4.
The Land of Hope and Glory, 5.
Among Ancestors, 6.
One More, 7.
The Messenger, 8.
Victoriae & Triumphi Dominus, 9.
Til the Last Man Falls, 10.
Sahti-Waari, 11.
Miklagard Overture, 12.
Rasputin, 13.
Venetoi! - Prasinoi!, 14.
Five Hundred and One, 15.
Those Were the Day, 16.
The Heart of Turisas, 17.
Katuman kaiku, 17.