外部リンク"PHHHP! PLUS" を
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PHHHP! PLUSに登録されている25曲を連続再生(曲順) - Youtube 1.
PHHHP!, 2.
Kill the White Noise, 3.
This Nice Blonde, 4.
Nighty-Nite, 5.
It Looks Like A Chicken, 6.
'Oh No, Mr. Kitty!', 7.
Electrical Stud, 8.
Test Tones, 9.
Pre-Slam Discussions, 10.
Blink For Me, 11.
Zits In 3-D, 12.
That's Odd, 13.
The Blood Boogie, 13.
Ants On My Windshield, 14.
Tri-Vivace, 15.
Dead Machine, 16.
Hello There!, 17.
Die Bleeding, 18.
Let's Eat Glass, 19.
Fishies on Leashes, 20.
Blessed Corpse, ....