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SINISTER SLAUGHTERに登録されている21曲を連続再生(曲順) - Youtube 1.
Night Stalker, 2.
The Ted Bundy Song, 3.
Sniper in the Sky, 4.
Montreal Massacre, 5.
Zodiac, 6.
What the Hell Did You Do?, 7.
The Boston Strangler, 8.
Mary Bell, 9.
Reprise, 10.
Killing Spree (Postal Killer), 11.
Is It Soup Yet?, 12.
White Hen Decapitator, 13.
Howard Unrah (What Have You Done Now?), 14.
Gacy's Lot, 15.
There Was a Young Man Who Blew Up a Plane, 16.
Vampire of Düsseldorf, 17.
Shotgun Peterson, 18.
What's That Smell?, 19.
Edmond Kemper Had a Horrible Temper, 20.
What the Heck, Richard Speck (8 Nurses You Wrecked), ....