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LOCKED & LOADEDに登録されている20曲を連続再生(曲順) - Youtube 1.
Introduction, 2.
Whiskey Man, 3.
Heart of the U.S.A., 4.
Gator Country, 5.
Tatanka, 6.
Down From the Mountain, 7.
Beatin' the Odds, 8.
Mississippi Moon Dog, 9.
Miss Saturday Night, 10.
Edge of Sundown, 11.
Dreams I'll Never See, 12.
Bounty Hunter, 13.
Dead and Gone, 13.
White Lightning, 14.
Fall of the Peacemakers, 15.
Saddle Tramp, 16.
Gypsy Trail, 17.
Tumbling Dice, 17.
Why Won't You Take Me Home, 18.
The Journey, 19.
Devil's Canyon, 20.
Flirtin With Disaster