この作品を出した頃、VINNIEは23歳くらいか。楽器を操る才能は生まれつきということを強く感じてしまう一枚。 What was not very exciting was the fact that we had very little time to record. The whole thing, including the mix, was done in only 11 days! It was extremely stressful having only two days to record my rhythm guitar parts, and three days to record all of the melodies, harmonies, and solos. I have no idea how I did it so quickly; I could never accomplish this now because I am much too finicky. By the way, NNY stands for No Name Yet. (I didn't have time to name it!) VINNIEのコメントです。仕事が早ければ必ずしも偉いというわけではないが、この作品のレコーディングもこんな短期間で仕上げていたとは。それにしてもN.N.Y.ってそういう意味だったのか。